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CATALONIA: Report from the 7th Congress of La Intersinidcal

This Saturday, November 12, the 7th National Congress of La Intersindical was held where the team led by Núria Ferrandis and Sergi Perelló was chosen.

During the congress, the presentation entitled ‘Recovering the initiative to conquer all rights’ was approved, proposing 57 proposals to consolidate and advance the pro-independence and class union.

The approved presentation sets out the objective of taking the steps to become a useful and effective tool for all the country’s working majorities through the strength of affiliation to labour centres, training and mobilization, and which allows to confront the continuous losses of socio-labour rights that the labour reforms approved by the Spanish State have aggravated.

La Intersindical considers it essential to lay the foundations for a union model that recovers and gains rights and that breaks with 40 years of resignations. For this reason, it highlights the creation of a resistance box to face labour conflicts in companies with guarantees.

La Intersindical continues to demand a diverse and sustainable production model and a strong social protection system, with the reduction of working hours with the same salary and a minimum wage adapted to the socio-economic reality of Catalonia as measures to guarantee the cohesion and well-being of the majority of the population.

Likewise, it has highlighted the defense of decent housing for all, Catalan as a vehicular language, fully public pensions, decent and quality transport and a firm commitment against fascism and racism.

During the congress, 3 resolutions were approved; the first for the rights of peoples and migrants, the second for advances in feminist policies and the third for building a global socio-economic model for people to deal with climate change effectively.

La Intersindical has reaffirmed its commitment to independence in the face of a State that prevents the people of Catalonia from being able to build a truly just and free future in the form of the Catalan Republic.

The Congress of La Intersindical has elected the following persons as members of the National Secretariat:

Sergi Perelló Miró – General Secretary
Nuria Ferrandis i Umbon – Deputy General Secretary and Trade Union Action
Marc Faustino i Vidal – Secretary of Trade Union Action
David Hernandez Teixidó – Organization Secretary
Ester Rocabayera Jordan – Feminist Secretary
Antoni Veciana Ribes – Secretary of Social Action and Language
Anna Paya Llinas – Training Secretary
Laura Perez Perez – Secretary of Social Movements
Anna Pagès i Pardo – Secretary for Affiliation and Gender
Policies Maria Teixidor i Màrquez – Territorial Coordination Secretary
Dani Gòmez Loren – Secretary for Collective
Bargaining Ferran Coll i Sol – Secretary of Solidarity and International
Relations Pau Cruz i Trullas – Youth Secretary
Ferran Dotras Camps – Secretary of Communication and Trade Union Elections


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