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CHIPRE: La Lucha de los "repartidores" Ha Sido Reivindicado!

The 4th of July 2024 marked a milestone for labor rights in the distribution sector as, following a year and a half year of struggles and negotiations, the preliminary agreement for the first sectoral Collective Agreement in Cyprus was signed between the Unions and the companies.

What is noteworthy, is that this is the first ever Collective Agreement for the workers in this sector in Cyprus, and it is the result of their militant mobilizations and struggles in December 2022.

The 2-year collective agreement has laid the foundations for a comprehensive regulation of the working conditions of the employees in the sector. It covers around 3000 workers and provides for higher wages, regulation of working hours and other similar benefits, while it also regulates important issues pertaining to occupational health and safety.

What is worth noting is the positive stance of “Wolt” platform, which was the only one which participated in the negotiations, while the other platforms refused to do so.

SYXKA PEO supported the workers’ struggle from the very beginning. As the General Secretary of SYXKA PEO, Neofytos Ttiminis pointed out: “As SYXKA PEO we have been on the side of the workers from the get-go, and we consider the signing of the first Sectoral Collective Agreement as something very important, given that it covers one of the most vulnerable groups of workers”.


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