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Greece: November 9 National General Strike

Greece November 9 National General Strike

All In The Struggle! All On Strike On 9 November!

To Demand Collective Agreements And Wage Increases

Cheap Electricity And Food For The People

PAME called with a comprehensive proposal for a strike uprising and an escalation of struggle, with a nationwide all-union strike, to strengthen the militant spirit and pressure for increases in wages and salaries. To give a response to the wave of price hikes that is crushing people’s incomes, to the blackmail and calls “to adjust or die”, living with coupons or food and heating rations.

Behind every workers’ problem and impasse, behind poverty, inflation, repression, house auctions, war, the cause remains the same and unchanging. It is the unending thirst for the profits of the monopolies!

There must be no waiting and tolerance of the anti-people’s policy and the would-be saviors who promise us again electoral solutions and salvation. The experience we have gained from the would-be saviours must leave no room for new illusions. It will be detrimental any false hope that puts our struggles and actions on hold or that would integrate our struggles into any governmental change, and would make us passively watching the developments under continuous promises.

In the opposite direction, the unionists controlled by the government and the employers with their attitude and positions have once again confirmed their role as a valve for decompressing the struggles and putting the workers in the line and interests of the business groups. They attempt through their proposals to trap the workers, to

integrate them into the games of governmental change. They excuse the role of the EU and defended its recent, unacceptable directive to the member states on minimum wages voted by all bourgeois parties, the New Democracy, PASOK, SYRIZA. A directive that attempts to adjust the already low wage levels to the values of the competitiveness and viability of enterprises and their profits.

No trust in the employers’ and government-controlled trade unionism.  They are the forces that act and intervene with an eye on the strength of the economy, the competitiveness of enterprises, with the social dialogues. They have an active role in the attack that we have been under over the years, in the reduction of the demands of the workers’.

We call on the trade unions to take the situation and the success of the strike on 9 November in their own hands. To prepare the ground so that this strike rocks the government and business groups.

The struggles in Cosco, Efood, LARCO, in industries of Kavala, the great the big strike struggle in Malamatina show the way forward. We must follow. Only the people can save the people!

We call on the collective bodies of the trade unions without any delay to put forward the engines of struggle, with board meetings, with general assemblies, with multiform action and initiatives to reach every worker, in every office, factory, industry, workplace, ship and neighborhood, everywhere.

Greece November 9 National General Strike

To Demand Collective Agreements And Wage Increases

Cheap Electricity And Food For The People


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