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Manos fuera de Cuba! FSM Campaña de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Cuba!

In accordance with the 2024 Presidential Council’s unanimous decision and the 2024 Action Plan, the World Federation of Trade Unions is organizing for one more year a solidarity campaign with the people of Cuba, on the occasion of the 26th of July, the anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, spreading the strong internationalist message that Cuba is not alone. Especially during this very difficult period with the Cuban People being in the crosshairs of imperialism, it is vital to express our internationalist solidarity and support, by organizing protests and demonstrations in front of American embassies and consulates, demanding the Stop of the blockade and the removal of Cuba from the list of countries that “allegedly sponsor terrorism”.

The 26th of July marks the beginning of the revolutionary attempt to overthrow the dictator, Fulgencio Batista, which gave hope to workers all over the world and showed that the people can defeat the exploiters and can create a society free from exploitation. For decades now the Cuban people have been leading and remain a militant example in the struggle against imperialism.

On this day we commemorate the revolutionaries who fought to expel the enemies of the peoples, building for decades an ironclad proof that another society is possible. Their sacrifices should be always remembered and should light nowadays struggles of the working class all over the world against capitalist barbarity. Imperialism is raging against revolutionary Cuba, which proves that the workers can fight and win them, proves that the working class can accomplish its historic cause and can build a human-centered society free of man-by-man exploitation. A society that, regardless of the sanctions and the embargos, sends help, solidarity, doctors, and medicines to other nations instead of troops and bombs. A society whose growth and development are serving people’s needs and not multinationals’ speculation. The heroic people of Cuba have overcome all adversities, difficulties, and attacks over the years and will continue to resist.

The World Federation of Trade Unions once again joins its voice with the struggling people of Cuba and its workers and government, in their longstanding and just demand that Cuba be permanently removed from the list of countries that “allegedly sponsor terrorism”. The international class-oriented trade union movement knows that Cuba is not only not a country that is a supporter of terrorism, but is itself a victim of terrorism. For six decades, the heroic Cuban people have been confronted with the criminal blockade imposed by the USA and the constant attempts at foreign intervention in the country.

The effects of the blockade are visible and felt by the Cubans, as they cause significant shortages on the island. Those responsible, not only refuse to lift the murderous embargo, but are instrumentalizing the reactions of dissatisfaction by the citizens, in order to exert pressure and intensify the attacks on the socialist state of Cuba.

The WFTU and its millions of workers join their voices with Cuba, demanding an immediate and unconditional end to the embargo and the return of Guantanamo to the Cuban people. The international class-oriented trade union movement unequivocally condemns the current suffocating embargo and the interventionist maneuvers of the USA since the very beginning of the Cuban socialist revolution. We support the right of the Cuban People to decide for themselves, freely and democratically, about their present and future, without the intervention of the imperialists.

We call on our affiliates all over the world to express their solidarity and support, by organizing protests and demonstrations in front of American embassies and consulates, under the slogans of the World Federation of Trade Unions:

Hands off Cuba!
Stop the blockade now!


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