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ITALY: Workers Suffer Under the Hell of Precariousness and Exploitation Especially by the State. On May 26 General Strike for Wages and Rights!

Many infringement procedures launched today by the European Union, also following complaints made by USB, against our country for the abuse of fixed-term contracts in the public sector and for non-compliance with the directive on seasonal work (“an important prerequisite for attracting the necessary workforce to the EU for seasonal work y, and possibly also to help reduce migration”), which prescribes decent living and working conditions and protection from exploitation.

Above all, the spread of precariousness throughout the Public Administration (according to the Commission, the Italian legislation “does not sufficiently prevent or sanction the abusive use of a succession of fixed-term contracts for different categories of workers in the public sector”), even in particularly delicate sectors such as Health, Firefighters, Research (for which USB has denounced Italy to the European Commission), the School, Justice, Spectacle, Forestry, and the Instance.

Despite this, the Meloni Government, in line with the previous executive, is continuing, also through recruitment for the PNRR, to achieve a massive precarization of a public employment that has a shortage of structural staff. Moreover, there are not only fixed-term contracts, but there are even worse cases in the public employment, just think of the trainees – the precarious USB of Calabria have organized a demonstration this morning in the Chamber – or the LSU and there has been talk in recent days also of the introduction of contracts to administration.

In the face of all this, beyond the announcements of Minister Zangrillo, so far the only measure issued by the Government provides for 3,000 permanent hires, of which two-thirds in the Police, and the stabilization rules issued so far, in particular for the precarious of the PNRR, risk remaining on paper for lack of resources.

At stake are the rights of workers and the efficiency of public services, but now it is evident to all the anti-popular character of this Government and USB, even if in splendid solitude, it is ready to give battle having always considered the fight against precariousness a top priority.

Precarious and wage issue are at the center of the platform of struggle that will lead to the general strike of May 26 and in the coming days a series of assemblies are scheduled precisely to build a front against precariousness and for the stabilization of all the precarious of the PA.

Unione Sindacale di Base


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