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Nakliyat-Iş en Solidaridad con los franceses los Trabajadores de las Refinerías y FNIC-Sindicato CGT en Huelga!

French Refinery Workers have been on strike against the implementations of both oil multinationals and the Government of France for a while. While the oil multinationals have obtained incredible profits by turning the financial crisis of Capitalism into an opportunity, they do their best to make as minimum wage increase as possible for the workers.

The strike, with FNIC-CGT Union being in the forefront, expanded in many cities of France and has become an overall struggle against the greediness of multinationals and rotten policies implemented by both the French Government and the European Union.

For this reason, the multinationals, the bourgeois government of French and yellow unionism immediately showed their true faces with intimidation tactics against the refinery workers who are fighting for their just demands and a wage for a dignified life.

In and effort to break the big strike, representatives of French Government started to threaten the striking workers. At the same time, yellow unionism wasted no time to harm the strike. Laurent Berger, General Secretary of the CFDT and President of the ETUC-CES made explanations denouncing the strike action, which is undoubtedly an attempt to break the militant ongoing strike.

We know clearly that no power can overcome the steadfast struggle of working class. The intimidation tactics of all the reactionary forces including the EU, the French Government, multinationals and yellow unions will be thwarted as a result of the great struggle given by the refinery workers of French and their class oriented trade union FNIC-CGT.

As Nakliyat-İş Union, we declare our unconditional support and solidarity with our class brothers and sisters in France and FNIC-CGT Union. Organized struggle will certainly bring the victory


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