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NEPAL: The view of CONEP Nepal on the Teachers Movement

The main component of CONEP Nepal, Progressive National Teachers Association -PNNTA and Teachers common union – Nepal Teachers Union have been street agitation since 19 September, saying the Education legislation bill 2023 to ammend and unify the laws related to school education is an obstract to progress in the matter of public education and teachers, including curtail of trade union rights.

The subject has drawn the serious attention of CONEP Nepal, reform and changes in the education sector remain at the forefront for the institutional enrichment of the charges that country .

The intiative taken by the government to issue of the Federal School Education Act- 2023 to replace the Education Act- 1971 within the year is commendeste.

Afte the promulgation of the constitution of Nepal-2015, in the structural framework of the Federal  Democratic  Rupublic  of Nepal, the teachers  unions demand that the Federal school Education  Act should be promugulation as soon as possible to prepare the basis for the  constitution of socialism by making , proper use of the sprit of the constitution and the basic meaning of the constitution and the  fundamental rights related to education .it has been raised  with major priority .

In the spirit of the constitution and schedule -9 of the school education sector, as there is a provision to bear responsibility from the 3 levels of the state, it is clear that there is confusion and inequality in the regulation of the education sector due to the fact that the federal school education act has not been issued even to issue education laws and regulations at the provincial and local levels.

We express our solidarity with the issue and movement raised by the teachers for the sake of respecting the trade union rights, drawing the attention of all concerned to correct the legislative draft currently registered in the House of Representatives secretariat and pass it in the current session. Through this press release, the Nepalese government and all related parties earnestly request the Government of Nepal and all related parties to hold meaningful talks with the agitating teacher representatives as soon as possible and address the demands as per the details.


  1. In order to ensure the right of children to get an education in accordance with the current structure of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal and the National Education Policy 2019 as guaranteed by the constitution and the professional rights of teachers and school employees, schools should be fully funded by the state to provide automatic educational and the sprit of the constitution and schedule -9 of the school education sectors as there is a provision to bear responsibility from the 3 leveles of the state.

It is clear that there is  confusion  and inequality in the regulation of the education  sector  due to the fact that the federal school   education act had not been to  issued even to issue and movement raised by the teachers for the sake of respecting the  trade union rights, drawing  the attention of all concered to correct the legislative  draft  currently  registered  in the house of parliament secretariat  and psss in the current session .

Through It should be developed as an academic institution. It should be ensured that the state cannot shirk the responsibility of school education by assigning it to any one level.

  1. Keeping in mind that there should be quality teachers who are qualified for the quality of education, teacher management should be managed through a door system. For this, the management and dignity of teachers and school staff as federal national servants should be maintained and the permanent appointment, promotion, transfer and promotion of all types of teaching staff through the Federal Teachers Service Commission. Development should be institutionalized.
  1. In order to ensure citizens’ rights in education, to provide quality education, to enrich the work and life of teachers and school employees with security, it is necessary to ensure the coordination and cooperation of the federal government, the state government and the local level, and ensure the financial arrangement and make arrangements for investment from those levels.
  1. Child development teachers working on minimum wages, school staff, relief teacher quota, teachers teaching classes 11 and 12 and teacher trainers appointed with grants to manage technical edge classes should be converted into posts and arranged for unconditional stability through the normal process by the Teachers Service Commission. For those who are unable to come, provision should be made for the same kind of teachers and staff to be given a golden handshake on the basis of performance, leave with respect and stability through an open process.
  1. A provision should be made for teachers and school employees to have the right to a responsible trade union with rights and duties to protect their professional rights and to dedicate themselves to service with dignity. Through this, provisions should not be placed in the Education Act so that the concerned bodies cannot engage in partisanship, peaceful sit-ins, processions, awareness campaigns and strikes. Also, when making education-related policies, laws and regulations, the mandatory participation and consent of all relevant trade unions through the process of collective bargaining should be followed. Formation of units or committees should be ensured.


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