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PORTUGAL: CGTP-IN joins WFTU’s International Action Day in Defence of Trade Union Freedom

CGTP-IN joins the WFTU’s International Day of Action on the theme: “No to authoritarianism and to the shrink of democratic and trade union freedoms! Work with Rights, not with “flexibilities” and

In a context of deep attacks on workers’ rights, including the attack on trade union freedom and the right to strike, the theme of this International Action Day is also very relevant for CGTP-IN.

In Portugal we are also facing increasing restrictions on the exercise of trade union freedom. On various pretexts, in the public and private sectors, obstacles are being created to the exercise of trade union action in companies and workplaces, attempts are being made to deprive workers of the right to contact and meet with their representatives and various means are being used to limit the right to strike.

The right to strike and demonstrate, the right of association, trade union action, collective bargaining and freedom of expression are fundamental rights of the democratic regime enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. The attacks that employers and governments have been waging against these rights are being resisted by workers and CGTP-IN. For CGTP-IN, exercising these rights (and all rights) in the workplace and/or on the streets is an essential element in their defence.

The governments’ intention has been to constrain or silence the denunciation of a class policy responsible for colossal profits; a policy that do not respond to the problems of the workers and the country. The 20 largest companies operating in Portugal recently achieve profits of 25 million euros a day. The government’s political choice is to leave these profits untouched and to promote policies that do not respond to the problems and aspirations of the workers.

CGTP-IN is giving top priority to clarification and mobilisation of workers all around Portugal. CGTP-IN is demanding a significant increase in all wages, of at least 15% – and no less than €150 – with an increase in the minimum wage to €910 in January, reaching €1,000 over the next year. CGTP-IN is committed to a growing dynamic, starting from company and workplace level, with the involvement of workers, holding meetings, demonstrations, sit-ins and strikes all over the country.

CGTP-IN expresses its solidarity with all those around the world who are fighting and resisting in defence of the right to strike and of trade union freedom; all those who are not giving up the historic right of workers to organise and fight in defence of their rights and interests.

The CGTP-IN salutes all the unions, regional structures and national trade union centres affiliated to and friends of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) on the occasion of its 78th anniversary. CGTP-IN reiterates its commitment to deepening the relations of friendship and cooperation it maintains with the WFTU and with its affiliated and friendly organisations in order to defend the class interests of workers, their unity and their unity with anti-imperialist forces, for peace, sovereignty and social justice


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