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Los Trabajadores del ferrocarril de los Estados Anuncia 12 puntos de la Plataforma para los Candidatos a tener en cuenta Cuando se Ejecuta para la Oficina de la Unión

The RWU Steering Committee adopted the following 12-point platform for candidates to consider adopting as part of their own platform when running for rail union office. The action was taken by the ISC at the monthly meeting on August 7th, 2024.

RWU urges candidates for union office to include the following in their platforms and make a public commitment to:

– Supporting a single bargaining coalition of all rail unions within which no union settles until all settle, one based on rock-solid unity and solidarity.

– Exploring the possibilities of merging with other unions to the ends of achieving a single union of all rail workers.

– Supporting one-member-one-vote for all union offices at the local, GCA, and national division levels.

4 – Advocating some form of term limits where leadership serves a term or two, rotates back into the craft for a term, and is then eligible to run again.

5 – Advocating some form of provision to work the craft regularly while in office so as to keep in touch with the changing nature of the job and current working conditions of employment.

– Restricting the wages of union officers so they do not exceed the highest annual wage achieved when working in the craft.

7 – Limiting all union officer wage and benefit increases, to be strictly tied to what the members receive through contractual agreements with the carriers.

8 – Creating an open bargaining process where the contract bargaining is brought into the light of day from behind closed doors, where members are informed at every step of the process.

9 – Involving the membership in the bargaining process by organizing and preparing the ranks for action at every step as bargaining proceeds.

10 – Forcefully articulating the union’s program and our perspective to the media, the greater labor movement, and to the American people.

11 – Working in solidarity with other unions, worker groups, environmental organizations, citizens’ groups, rail advocacy groups, and others in order to overcome our isolation and build power.

12 – Conducting national Conventions in conveniently located rail hub cities such as Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Louis as opposed to cities like Las Vegas and Miami.

Adopted by the RWU Steering Committee 8/7/2024


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