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Roofers 36 President, Cliff Smith, Running Grassroots Working-Class Campaign for Los Angeles City Council

Cliff Smith is campaigning for the Los Angeles City Council for District 8 as both a militant union member of Roofers 36 and a member of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). Cliff worked struggling for the rights of the downtrodden working people both in and outside of public office. He served on the Los Angeles South Central Neighborhood Council for two years and was a delegate to the wider South Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood Councils. Cliff was active in his union’s successful push for a contract that guaranteed higher pay, better Occupational Safety and Hazard Training, better retirement matching, and better staffing. Cliff also picketed in solidarity with United Auto Workers (UAW) in their recent strike.

Cliff Smith is running for city council and building a People’s Democratic Workers Party in his locality. The peoples’ democracy works in grassroots organizing leads to greater democracy for the common worker. In this drive, his campaign is centered on calling for an increased production of low-income housing, a more democratic policing where the control board is made up of elected community members, a $25 minimum wage, and guaranteed basic rights for immigrants and non-citizen residents. Cliff along with his union, Roofers Local 36, have been vocal against foreign military intervention and against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which siphons workers’ wallets for endless war while living and working conditions deteriorate.

Hardworking Americans like Cliff Smith are actively building the much-needed labor parties that are missing from American politics. Cliff’s campaign may be local to Los Angeles, but his campaign represents the growing movement of militant class-oriented unionism that the United States desperately needs.

DISCLAIMER: Image is courtesy of “Elect Cliff Smith to City Council District 8” Campaign Facebook Page


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