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SYRIA: International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU) Statement

A major humanitarian catastrophe befell the Syrian Arab people, as a result of the devastating earthquake that struck northwestern Syria at dawn on Monday 6/2/2023, which left widespread destruction in major cities, and hundreds of victims, thousands of wounded and missing, in addition to thousands of residents of the cities hit by the earthquake, which became homeless as a result of this catastrophic event.

Despite the emergency response plans launched by the Syrian government and all popular and civil organizations, federations, and the local community to deal early and quickly with the event. However, the magnitude of the damage and the weakness of the capabilities resulting from the blockade requires a coordinated global effort and great capabilities to deal with it, just as all these disasters are dealt with throughout the world. From this standpoint, the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions, as it thanks the countries and organizations that have taken the initiative to provide all kinds of assistance, Calls upon all Arab and foreign governments and organizations to expedite the provision of the necessary assistance to assist the Syrian government and enable the Syrian Arab people to overcome the effects of this disaster.

At the same time, the General Secretariat of the International Federation of Arab Trade Unions calls on all trade union centers and international and regional trade union federations and organizations to raise their voices loudly and to initiate practical measures to lift the unjust blockade imposed on Syria and its people, and demand extended aid to it and to provide urgent humanitarian assistance in all its forms. This must be carried out And with the necessary speed, to achieve a rapid response to the huge needs on the impact of the disaster.

It must be noted that the continuation of the economic blockade by forces claiming to be victorious for human rights, and claiming civilization in such circumstances, represents a heinous crime and a curse that haunts its perpetrators forever.

Dear trade union brothers… Worker brothers… Partners in toil and struggle…

Your brothers and sisters in Syria have been exhausted by the unjust siege and its disastrous repercussions and its impact on all levels of their professional and living lives. This has been exacerbated by the exceptional circumstances caused by the emerging natural disaster. Today they need your collective voice to awaken the global conscience to a tragedy that is renewed every morning, caused by immoral sanctions that affect the toiling and poor people with its consequences and all the people of Syria.

The time has come for us to say loudly and collectively ..
Liftyour unjust and unjust siege on Syria…
Stop the crime against this people and the right of this country ….
stop double standards and stances…
stop interference in the affairs of independent, sovereign states…
stop violating the principles of international law…
your humanity is at stake…

We hope for your usual response with practical measures..
Please let us informed in the General Secretariat of the International Federation with your plans
and activities in this regard.

Long Live Labour Struggle

Secretary General
Jamal Abdul Razzaq Kadri


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