Latest Issue of WFTU-APRO Circular #33 Latest Issue of WFTU-APRO Circular #33 Por WFTU en octubre 8, 2023 | Internacional Leer MásLatest Issue of WFTU-APRO Circular #33
Solidarity Statement on the Workers’ Strike in the USA Solidarity Statement on the Workers’ Strike in the USA Por WFTU en octubre 7, 2023 | Internacional
WFTU Condemnation Statement on the New Attack in Syria WFTU Condemnation Statement on the New Attack in Syria Por WFTU en octubre 7, 2023 | Internacional
Statement From The WFTU Regional Office in the Middle East on the 78th Anniversary of the WFTU Statement From The WFTU Regional Office in the Middle East on the 78th Anniversary of the WFTU Por WFTU en octubre 5, 2023 | Internacional
PORTUGAL: CGTP-IN joins WFTU’s International Action Day in Defence of Trade Union Freedom PORTUGAL: CGTP-IN joins WFTU’s International Action Day in Defence of Trade Union Freedom Por Worker Wire Services en octubre 4, 2023 | Internacional
UITBB Secretariat Condemns the Attack on National Federation of Workers and Employees Trade Unions in Lebanon (FENASOL) and its President, Castro Abdallah UITBB Secretariat Condemns the Attack on National Federation of Workers and Employees Trade Unions in Lebanon (FENASOL) and its President, Castro Abdallah Por WFTU en octubre 4, 2023 | Internacional
DPRK: General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Central Committee Congratulate the 78th anniversary of Foundation of WFTU DPRK: General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Central Committee Congratulate the 78th anniversary of Foundation of WFTU Por Worker Wire Services en octubre 3, 2023 | Internacional