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The police charge the SDA couriers fighting in Rome against layoffs: two workers in hospital. USB: We won’t be intimidated by law enforcement violence

ROME—The police intervened violently this morning in Rome, loading the 300 SDA workers, who have been on strike with the Union Union of Base since Tuesday after the dismissal of 17 couriers from the Pomezia and Fiumicino branches. Two workers hit with batons in the head lost consciousness and were rescued by 118.

After yesterday’s large garrison, over 300 couriers mobilized in front of the Poste Italiane headquarters in Viale Europa, at EUR. At the news that even today they would not be received by the management of the Italian Post Office, which also ordered the closure of the entrances to the headquarters, the workers tried to organize a march, but blocked by the police. At that point the couriers carried out a raid on the adjacent post office, in an absolutely peaceful way. The police intervened by beating up workers and trade unionists and pushing them out of the building. A courier, hit in the head, lost consciousness and fell down the steps at the entrance to the building; same fate for another worker. For both it was necessary the help of 118.

USB denounces this umpteenth act of violent repression against workers in the fight against layoffs and internal competition policies implemented by SDA and Poste with the Milkman platform, which causes the worsening of the contractual conditions of couriers.

A new government not yet formed is confirmed that the methods remain the same, in perfect continuity with the previous executives: the workers must be beaten without mercy if they dare to raise their heads.

We will not be intimidated by these acts of violence: USB supports the struggles of SDA workers, calls for the immediate reintegration of the dismissed workers and prepares new initiatives for the struggle.

Unione Sindacale di Base


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