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ITALY: “The strength of the Union”: USB turns 12 and starts the path towards the 3rd National Congress, in Montesilvano from 18 to 20 November

It was May 23, 2010 when the Unione Sindacale di Base was born at the Capranica Theater in Rome. Exactly 12 years later, the work of the Third National Congress of an organization that has seen the number of members grow exponentially and record an exciting territorial and categorical diffusion.

In recent years, USB was born and raised in sectors where it did not exist, from laborers to port workers, from the world of private security to taxi drivers and self-employed workers with VAT numbers, passing through large factories and public work, without losing, but, if anything, by increasing its confederal profile as a general organization of all workers.

A modern organization that aims to reconstruct the conflictual and independent class syndicalism in a country where there is a glorious tradition of class syndicalism but where, therefore, the void left by the CGIL regime syndicalism is even stronger than elsewhere. Cisl and Uil ”, which has definitively taken on the role of crutch of the system.

From 6 to 8 May the USB hosted the 18th World Congress of the World Trade Union Federation, raising the banner of internationalism and solidarity among workers from all over the world and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood with hundreds of combative unions spread over all over the planet. It hadn’t happened in Italy since 1949, when Giuseppe Di Vittorio was leading the international workers’ organization.

With thousands of assemblies, which the delegates of the USB are preparing to organize throughout the peninsula, a path of participatory democracy and collective discussion within the world of work is now starting that will lead us to the final assembly scheduled for November 18/20 in Montesilvano (Pescara), which will be attended by 550 representative delegates from all work contexts and different regions of the country.

“The strength of the Union” is the title of the congress, centered on the need to break the isolation in which struggles at work have been driven and on the importance of collective action both to defend the interests of those who work and to affirm a different idea of ​​society.

Minimum wage, stop to the procurement system, increase in wages, price freeze, hiring and internalisation in the Public Administration, introduction of the crime of homicide at work, nationalizations, tax relief on pensions and reduction of the retirement age, freedom of trade union organization and restoration the right to strike: these are some of the many proposals and objectives of the general USB platform.

While the world of big business and finance is building us a nightmare future, favoring rearmament and a policy of war and low wages, it is up to the workers’ movement to point the way to change. The congress assemblies, open in workplaces to members and non-members, are the right places to do it.

Attend the 3rd USB Congress: Our strength lies in the Union.

Unione Sindacale di Base


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