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UK: International Support For RMT Strike

While the strike of British railway workers led by the WFTU-affiliated RMT union is still going strong after 6 months of struggle and is becoming the driving force behind the “Enough is Enough” movement that is shaking up Great Britain by rallying postal workers, nurses, bus and metro drivers, logistics workers and public service workers, a delegation of WFTU-affiliated railway workers’ unions from France came to London on Friday 6 January to support the pickets. Responding to a call for solidarity from the WFTU’s European office, delegates from the CGT railway workers’ unions in Versailles, Paris Montparnasse and Trappes (including a member of the WFTU secretariat) met with RMT management and went to support the strikers on the Euston and Padington picket lines.

They handed over a solidarity collection of 2400 Euros for the RMT solidarity fund. Tomorrow, as yesterday, the WFTU will always be at the side of the strikers in all countries and will continue to organise concrete solidarity with the workers in struggle! Long live the RMT, long live the WFTU and international solidarity and Victory to the strikers!


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