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WFTU Condemns the Death Threats Against Trade Unionists in Colombia

The World Federation of Trade Unions joins its voice and expresses its solidarity with the Colombian workers and the SINTRASECOL Cali Trade Union, denouncing the death threats against several trade union leaders. Among the trade unionists that have been threatened, is comrade John Alexander Monsalve Gomez, national president of the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Seguiridad de Colombia (SINTRASECOL).

For the class-oriented trade union movement it is clear that the right to defence the rights and freedoms of the workers is not negotiable and can not be deprived by false accusations. The voice and the representation of the workers in Colombia and elsewhere, can not be silenced!

The WFTU condemns the death threads taking place in Colombia against trade unionists in the Security Sector, and calls upon its members in the region and worldwide to express their solidarity with the workers of Colombia.


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