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WFTU Middle Eastern Regional Office Statement on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Dear comrades and brothers

The twenty-ninth of November marks the “International Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine” this year, and the entire world is witnessing the terrible crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces against our Palestinian Arab people in Gaza and the rest of occupied Palestine. Since the beginning of its aggression against the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces have been able to ignore all international conventions and the four Geneva Conventions related to international humanitarian law. The usurping Israeli entity was able to commit all cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity stipulated in the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court. During more than a month and a half, Israel committed all war crimes, including the indiscriminate killing of civilians, most of whom were children and women, without any regard to the principle of discrimination, which is the basis for the conduct of military operations in accordance with international humanitarian law, as the conflicting parties are not allowed to target civilians under any pretext, and the conflicting forces must Exercise the utmost caution during its clashes with forces hostile to it, especially within residential neighborhoods. Israel has done exactly the opposite, with the aim of terrorizing civilians and forcing them to leave the Gaza Strip in a new catastrophe. This is another war crime, which is coercing civilians to leave their homes and deport them to another area. . Israel also systematically destroyed more than half of the residential buildings in the Gaza Strip. This is a described war crime, as it is prohibited to destroy civilian objects and everything related to civilian sustenance, such as agricultural crops, livestock, water pipes, or electrical power transformers. This is what Israel committed with open American and Western support, and that Israel has the right to To do what it deems appropriate in defending itself, and this contradicts the United Nations Charter and Article 51, which stipulates the right of any people under occupation to use whatever is necessary to defend themselves. As is known, the Gaza Strip is occupied by the Israeli occupation forces from all sides.

The Israeli Minister of Defense announced the imposition of a comprehensive embargo on the Gaza Strip, cutting off water and energy supplies, and preventing the entry of humanitarian aid. This is a crime against humanity in accordance with Article 8 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, which prohibits the imposition of collective punishment or a scorched earth policy on any area to drive the civilian population. For displacement, to hand over resistance, or to report it.

The Israeli occupation forces completely or partially destroyed more than 26 hospitals in the Gaza Strip. This is considered a war crime, as it is prohibited to target hospitals or medical staff in all circumstances. The claims of Israeli officials that these hospitals are platforms for launching Palestinian resistance missiles are nothing but false claims that have been refuted by the medical staff. Foreigners working in these hospitals.

From the above, we see that we have a group of international crimes with integrated criminal elements, from intent to attempted crime, ending with committing the act, represented by prior statements and subsequent actions, supported by thousands of documented videos of the remains and bodies of defenseless Palestinian civilians, and disregard for international humanitarian law or the International Criminal Court.

We must all stand up to this usurping entity and join millions around the world to file lawsuits in the European Court of Justice, because most of the Israeli soldiers participating in the aggression against the Gaza Strip are dual citizens who hold European and Israeli nationalities, and we must also file lawsuits in the International Criminal Court through… The Palestinian Authority has national jurisdiction due to the inability to bring the leaders of the Israeli occupation to the competent Palestinian courts, and to work to prosecute the leaders of the Israeli occupation and each of the Israeli soldiers participating in the aggression in the courts of countries around the world whose laws allow the prosecution of people from other countries in addition to issuing travel bans and freezing their assets.

We at the World Federation of Trade Unions call on everyone on this day to organize sit-ins around the world in support of the people in Palestine and to condemn the Israeli occupation and call for its end.

Regional Director of WFTU
in the Middle East
Dr. Adnan Azzouz


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