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WFTU Statement on International Migrants Day 2023

The 18th of December is observed by the United Nations as the International Migrants Day.

On this occasion, the World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its internationalist solidarity with the more than 280 million migrant workers around the globe, who struggle to survive away from their homelands which they left to escape from the horror of wars and misery.

As stated in the Declaration of the WFTU Congress, imperialist wars, the exploitation of the developing countries, the environmental crisis, create millions of refugees and immigrants. Workers who in many cases are more vulnerable in the exploitation of the employers and in the unsafe and unregulated working conditions. At the same time, it is clear that the big immigrant flows of the last years, are being instrumentalized by nationalist and neo-fascist forces, in order to reenforce xenophobia and racism.

The class-oriented trade union movement will continue and strengthen the struggle for the protection and rights of migrant workers. The WFTU, on the International Migrants Day 2023, reaffirms its demands:

– Work with rights for the migrant workers
– Safe and proper housing for them and their families
– Access of all migrants and their families to free and public healthcare and education

Finally, the WFTU highlights that the class-oriented trade union movement will continue the organized and militant struggle, until it eliminates all the reasons that generate migrants and refugees.


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