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ITALY: “Down With Your Arms, Raise Wages”: Saturday 25 February National USB Demonstration in Genoa for Peace

Editor’s Note: This statement by USB was first released on February 20th.

The Union of Statutory Union of Base invites everyone and all to participate in the national demonstration against the war and for wages, Saturday, February 25 in Genoa with an appointment at 2.30 pm at the port (Ethiopia –Lungomare Canepa).

Exactly one year after the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, which has caused thousands of civilian casualties and greened NATO imperialism, unleashing the global rearmament race with the very heavy effects on the economy and on the carovita that we are all experiencing, USB returns to the streets to shout once again “Down with arms, raise wages”, the watchword that has accompanied all the mobilizations of these twelve months.

We want peace and wages, against war and the economy of the carovita that fattens the bosses, multinationals and financial speculation, strangling populations around the world.

To the demonstration organized by the Calp of Genoa, is joined by the national mobilization already called by USB Sea and Porti with a 24-hour strike throughout Italy for safety at work, after the recent deaths of two port ships, so that the money destined for the escalation of the war is destined to protect the health of the workers, and to be crushed the passage of weapons in Italian ports.

Unione Sindacale di Base


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