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LUEL Solidarity Statement with PAME on the National General Strike in Greece

ALL in the struggle! All in the GENERAL STRIKE on November 9!

The people of Greece are being throttled by high prices of food, cuts in pension, job shortages and other issues caused by austerity, inflation, and participation in the NATO/Russia war. In response, the workers of Greece, led by the All Workers Militant Front (PAME), are shutting down Greece with a national general strike on November 9, 2022.

A general strike provides the worker the most power in their struggle against bourgeois oppression. The real demands include:

  • An 20% increase in the public sector and minimum wage as it is;
  • Collective agreements and wage increases based on the increase of inflation with steady fulltime work with rights, no unpaid overtime, and the restoration of the principle of the most favorable contract;
  • A reduction in the price of electricity and gas, abolition on special consumption tax and value added tax on fuel (oil, petrol, gas, electricity) and consumer goods with a reduction in cap on price of consumer goods (food, clothes);
  • Minimum guarantee prices for agriculture measures and products;
  • Restoration of free public transit for worker at beginning and end of shifts free transit for students, unemployed, pensioners, and the disabled; and
  • Cancellation of debt for working households and cancellation of debt to banks and tax authorities.

LUEL stands in solidarity with the workers of Greece led by PAME in their struggle to obtain demands of the strike. No one frozen, no one hungry, no one alone. The many will not freeze to warm the profits of the few.

We support the call by PAME for a militant solidarity uprising of the trade unions and mass organizations in the cities and in the farms, by the scientists, the students and the women. We do not accept that workers may be sacrificed for the competitions and wars of the imperialists.

We call on the collective organs of the trade unions without any delay to start the engines of struggle, with meetings of the Boards, with general assemblies, with multiform action and initiatives to reach every worker, in every office, factory, workplace, ship, neighborhood, everywhere.

Now, we all need the struggle and the struggle needs us all!

In Unity,
Labor United Educational League (LUEL)


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