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LUEL Statement on Current Situation in Palestine

The whole world is watching with anxiety and concern the new bloodshed that is unfolding in Israel and Palestine and threatens to ignite the entire Middle East. The class-oriented trade union movement stands in solidarity with the suffering Palestinian working people in their struggle for freedom and dignity against the genocide.

The ongoing bloodshed has been escalating since the taking of hostages by Hamas on October 7th and has already resulted in tens of thousands of people losing their lives with many more injured and displaced. This makes the need to intensify our actions of solidarity with the struggling Palestinian people more urgent than ever before.

The massacre in Palestine, the brutal and unacceptable bombing of the hospitals, and the killing of a child every 10 minutes, are crimes which are committed with the provocative tolerance and support that Israel receives from US imperialism.

The root cause of this situation is the occupation and illegal settlement of the occupied Palestinian territories by Israel and the continuous, daily crimes and the blockades of Gaza that have been committed against the Palestinian people for decades.

The consistent and principled support and solidarity to the heroic Palestinian people had always been a priority for the international class-oriented trade union movement. It is clear that the only way to secure and consolidate peace and security for the people in Palestine and Israel, but also in the wider Middle East, is to immediately end the Israeli occupation and settlement in the occupied Arab territories. As provided for in UN Resolution 242, an independent Palestinian state must be established on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and Palestinian refugees must be guaranteed the right of return. At the same time, it is also clear that as the imperialist aggression intensifies, solidarity of the class-oriented trade union movement must intensify too!

While Palestinians in Gaza live without food, water and electricity for months, while an unprecedented murderous attack is being carried out to flatten the Gaza Strip, workers from every corner of the globe refuse to stay silent! LUEL along with the WFTU and the militant trade unions of the world join their voices with the working people of Palestine in condemning the imperialist hypocrisy, and demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire as well as a return of all hostages and political prisoners.

“The workers of the world stand with Palestine!”


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