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PERU: WFTU Statement of Condolences for Trade Union Leader Mario Huaman Rivera

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) has received the sad news of the death of our dear comrade Mario Huaman Rivera, former Secretary General of the Federation of Workers in Civil Construction of Peru (FTCCP) and former Secretary General and former President of the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP) and former member of the Political Commission of the Peruvian Communist Party (PCP). The WFTU expresses its heartfelt condolences and solidarity to his worthy family, to the Federation of Civil Construction Workers of Peru, the CGTP, and to the PCP: the Peruvian and Latin American trade union movement has lost a great trade union leader and consistent fighter.

The WFTU has fond memories of the honourable career of comrade Mario Huamán, he was a consistent and honest fighter, he was highly appreciated within the international trade union movement and was an active member. In the most difficult period he defended the World Federation of Trade Unions.

For the World Federation of Trade Unions, comrade Mario Huamán Rivera will be an example to be followed by the present and future generations.


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