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Statement from ILWU President on PMA Tentative Agreement

SAN FRANCISCO, CA JUNE 15, 2023: The ILWU is pleased to have reached a tentative agreement with PMA last night.  While the final decision is up to our members, we feel our time at the bargaining table was well spent and that the agreement represents the hard work of our rank and file and the sacrifices they made during the pandemic.

The next step for us is to follow our ratification procedures.  This starts with a contract caucus that convenes delegates from our 29 locals up and down the West Coast.  These delegates will carefully review the tentative agreement and make a recommendation to the rank and file who will then vote on the tentative agreement.  This process takes a few months to complete.

We will not be sharing details of the tentative agreement publicly until we have completed the ratification process.

I want to thank all who worked so diligently on these negotiations along with a special thank you to Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su whose leadership helped us cross the finish line.”

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