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Statement of the UE General Executive Board: Support Auto Workers As They Stand Up for the Working Class

From UE News | Photo Courtesy of | UE News Reuse Policy

UE stands in full solidarity with the United Auto Workers as they pursue strike action against Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis. Auto workers are standing up for the entire working class as they demand that record profits for the companies should translate into record contracts for the workers who produce that wealth.

This strike is sending a message to corporate America that the working class will no longer put up with tiers and progressions that divide us and treat some workers as second-class citizens. The working class will no longer put up with companies using the transition to green manufacturing as an excuse to eliminate good jobs. The working class will no longer put up with companies that make profits off of our labor and then refuse to share that wealth with us at the bargaining table. The working class will no longer put up with companies that prioritize shareholders over employees and communities.

We salute the UAW for standing up and making ambitious demands on behalf of the whole working class, and for backing up those demands with workers’ ultimate power — the power to withhold our labor. The auto workers’ strike is all of our fight, and we encourage all UE members and allies to support the strike in whatever way they can. An injury to one is an injury to all. Solidarity forever!


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