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The WFTU Strongly Condemns the Conviction of Comrade of Jean-Paul Delescaux

The WFTU strongly condemns the conviction by the Lille court comrade of Jean-Paul Delescaux, General Secretary of the CGT du Nord, to a one-year suspended prison sentence for “apology for terrorism”, following a CGT leaflet calling for a demonstration for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine.

The WFTU unreservedly condemns this attempt by the French government’s police to intimidate trade union action, Jean-Paul Delescaut and his comrades must not be prosecuted, and the right to demonstrate in support of the Palestinian people who are being bombarded must be guaranteed.

The WFTU stands in solidarity with comrade Jean-Paul Delescaux, and calls its members to express their support by submitting the attached letter to the embassies and consulates of the French government all over the world, in a way to show practical solidarity and support.


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