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The WFTU supports Cuba on condemning the murderous blockade in the General Assembly of the UN

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers in 133 countries, stands in unconditional solidarity with the people of Cuba and supports Cuba’s call in the United Nations to condemn the unjust and long-standing blockade imposed on the country.

For more than 6 decades, the blockade has inflicted severe economic and social hardships on the Cuban people, hindering their access to essential resources, limiting economic development, and impeding their right to self-determination. The blockade not only violates the principles of international law, but also hinders the Cuban people’s right to dignified work and the right to choose the system of economic development for their country.

Cuba is a country that resists and develops under the most difficult conditions imposed by the strangling blockade imposed by US Administration. The WFTU recognizes that, even within the today’s economic framework, in which the severe global economic crisis has destroyed big economies in Europe and internationally, and despite the blockade, the achievement of Cuba of overcoming the difficulties and maintain a quality life for Cubans is a triumph. The tightening of the blockade hinders the extensive efforts made by the Cuban government and the people.

The WFTU calls upon the international community to unite in condemning the murderous blockade, which runs counter to the principles of solidarity, peace, and sovereignty. It is time for a just resolution that respects the will and aspirations of the Cuban people. The WFTU remains committed to supporting Cuba in its pursuit of economic and social justice and reiterates its support for the immediate lifting of the blockade.

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