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WFTU-EUROF Solidarity Statement on the the Situation in New Caledonia

The European Regional Office of the WFTU expresses its deep concern about the situation in New Caledonia and calls for a just solution.

EUROF calls for the withdrawal of the bills on the institutional future of New Caledonia. These bills are a return to the tried and tested practice of placing the Kanak people in a minority in their own country, to the benefit of the local right wing who would like to have a majority in their favour.

No change should be made by a unilateral decision of the state without a global agreement between the local political forces. EUROF demands the release and dropping of charges against those accused in the current mobilisations and we give our full support to the Kanak people in struggle and the trade unions fighting alongside them.

EUROF – European Regional Office of WFTU


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