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WFTU Solidarity Statement with the General Strike in Italy on May 26

The World Federation of Trade unions, representing more than 105 million workers from 133 countries of the 5 continents extends its unconditional solidarity with the general strike in Italy on 26th May 2023 against the worsening of the working and living conditions, price rise, deterioration of workers’ purchasing power, precariousness, labor flexibility, insecurity, unemployment, poverty, misery, and exploitation.

We join our voice with the working class of Italy and the militant WFTU affiliate USB which call for massive participation in the Strike demanding full respect for working rights and achievement, implementation of trade union freedoms, dignified salaries linked with real inflation, a decrease of prices and tariffs, 300 euros net immediately in the pay envelope, and a minimum wage of 10 euros per hour.

The workers are not willing to be shouldered the bill for the new capitalist crisis. This message is loudly and clearly heard from more and more workplaces, from more and more countries. The WFTU calls for the militant class-oriented trade unions to express their solidarity with the workers’ struggles in Italy which constitutes an integral part of the unstoppable wave of struggles all over the globe.


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