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WFTU’s International Conference on Democratic Freedoms and Trade Union Rights

The World Federation of Trade Unions held its International Conference on Democratic Freedoms and Trade Union rights on June 11th, within the framework of the 112th ILC.

WFTU’s General Secretary, Pambis Kyritsis, delivered his introductory speech welcoming WFTU’s affiliates and friends that participated in the conference, analyzing the global situation, and the dangers of the rising attacks against the sacred right to strike, as well as the attack against the social and political achievements of the working class, giving the general framework of the conference’s discussion.

In his turn comrade Janaka Adikari, head of the WFTU’s democratic and trade unions rights committee, analyzed the importance of democratic and trade union freedoms, pointing out the necessity to defend the right of the workers to strike and organize, to safeguard their social and political achievements and their future struggles.

Participating in the discussion panel Mr. Giorgos Bithimitris, Senior Researcher at the National Centre for Social Research of Greece, analyzed the importance of democratic freedoms and trade union rights in the social coherence and social justice context, highlighting the crucial role that democratic rights and trade union freedoms play protecting the working class.

After the keynote speakers’ interventions, a round of discussion took place, where tens of participants from all over the world discussed and analyzed the different situations in each region.


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