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Workers at Amazon’s DNJ4 Warehouse Push Forward in Unionization Effort

In a bid to secure fair wages, improved working conditions, and better treatment, workers at Amazon’s DNJ4 warehouse in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, are fighting to unionize under the Amazon Labor Union (ALU). Inspired by the successful unionization effort of in Staten Island at the JFK8 facility, workers at DNJ4 are advocating for their rights with fervor.

The workers at DNJ4, represented by unionization lead organizer William Navarro, are demanding significant changes to address a range of issues they face daily. These include concerns over workplace safety, inadequate access to pain relief medication, and disparities in promotions and recognition for their contributions.

“At DNJ4, we’re not just asking for fair treatment, we’re demanding it,” stated Navarro. “Workers deserve respect, fair wages, and a safe working environment. We won’t stop until these demands are met.”

The worker’s demands include a starting wage of $30 per hour, 180 hours of paid time off, job security, and union representation in all disciplinary meetings. These demands reflect the workers’ determination to secure better working conditions and compensation for their labor.

One pressing issue highlighted by the workers is the lack of adequate safety measures, particularly on weekends when L4 Safety personnel are unavailable. Concerns about pallets left scattered on the dock floor, improper storage of pallet jacks, and inadequate access to gloves have raised alarms among the workforce.

Navarro’s recent social media post underscored the frustration felt by many workers at DNJ4, citing a perceived lack of appreciation, favoritism in promotions, and a culture of disrespect within the management hierarchy. The DNJ4 workers’ effort has attracted the attention of presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, and Navarro’s impassioned plea for fairness and respect resonates with many employees who feel overlooked and undervalued.

As the momentum for unionization grows, workers at DNJ4 remain steadfast in their resolve to fight for a workplace that respects their dignity, values their contributions, and ensures their well-being.

Labor Today stands firmly with the workers of DNJ4 and all Amazon facilities in their right to organize and advocate for their own safety, representation, and benefits. The unionization effort at DNJ4 is not just a local movement but a symbol of workers’ empowerment and collective action nationwide against corporate exploitation.


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