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Trade Unionists Heed Call of Palestinian Unions, Block Weapons Shipment to Israel

Last month on Friday, November 10th, Workers for a Free Palestine blockaded BAE Systems in Rochester, England which provide components for military aircraft used by Israel to bombard Gaza. The group is a formation of over 400 active trade unionists that formed in response to the call from Palestinian trade unions to stop arming Israel. Along side other activists, these workers came together to block traffic to and from the factory in order to stop the flow of arms that enable the Israel Occupation Forces to kill Palestinians with genocidal intent and impunity.

Workers across the globe have also heeded the call. Port workers in Italy, dock workers in South Africa, and stevedores in Spain have all participated in actions aimed at stopping the genocidal war machine. In the US, workers and activists in San Francisco and Tacoma have also come together to shut down the shipment of military equipment destined for Israel.

With the bombing of Gaza showing no signs of letting up anytime soon, we are likely to see more actions and solidarity in the future. The majority of people throughout the world want a ceasefire, while the small minority who profit from it want it to continue. Workers and activists have a duty to unite against the war machine and bring an end to the killing.

Photo Credit: MorningStar.


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