As we welcome 2025, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) extends its militant and class greetings to workers, trade unionists, and progressive peoples around the world. The new year is an opportunity to renew our determination to continue the struggles for workers’ rights, peace and social justice.
Approaching the end of 2024, the economic crises of capitalism succeed one another, global antagonisms are intensifying and imperialist wars and interventions are continuing and escalating. The ongoing genocide in Palestine and the aggression of the Israeli occupying forces with the support of the USA, EU and their allies, which have already caused a humanitarian crisis leading to the death of tens of thousands, reveal the inhuman, brutal and catastrophic nature of imperialism.
The imperialists continue their efforts to impose their political and economic control over the planet, and the peoples are paying the price with their dead, refugees, immigrants, impoverishment, and poverty.
Militantly, the international class-oriented trade union movement stands in solidarity with the victims of the economic wars, blockades and sanctions, and struggles for the right of the peoples to decide for themselves, freely and democratically, about their present and future, without the intervention of the imperialists.
We join our voice with the struggling people of Cuba, in their longstanding and just demand for an end to the murderous blockade and for the permanent removal of the country from the list of countries that “allegedly sponsor terrorism”.
The WFTU with its action raises even higher the flag of the struggle against imperialist wars and interventions, for the dissolution of NATO and all military coalitions, for the destruction of nuclear weapons, for peace and social justice.
Coming towards the end of the year, the workers globally continue to face the devastating impacts of the capitalist crises: attacks on wages, social rights, and living conditions. The capitalists, huge multinational monopolies and governments are intensifying their attacks against workers’ fundamental rights, including the right to strike and to secure dignified working and living conditions.
The workers are resisting and refusing to pay the bill of the capitalist crisis. Guided by the class unions, they choose the path of struggle, the only decent way to defend their trade union, social and political rights, the only decent way to achieve the satisfaction of their contemporary needs.
Our main demands for 2025 remain clear and uncompromising:
- Substantial wage increases and stable employment with full rights.
- A 35-hour workweek without wage reductions.
- Universal access to public, quality healthcare, education, and social security systems.
- Safe and healthy workplaces for all.
This year holds special significance, as it marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of our Federation. On October 3, 1945, in the ashes of the 2nd World War, in the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, trade unions from across the globe united to establish the World Federation of Trade Unions. This landmark moment remains engraved in the memory of the international trade union movement, marking the beginning of WFTU’s enduring fight for workers’ rights, dignity, and international solidarity. For a world without imperialist wars and interventions, without discriminations and exploitation.
Therefore, the year of 2025 will be a year full of various activities of every form carried out by the bodies, structures and affiliates of the WFTU, devoted to the anniversary of 80 years of our glorious history.
While commemorating our 80th anniversary, we salute the countless struggles and sacrifices of our affiliates and the global working class. This historic milestone is not only a celebration, but also a call to action, reaffirming the role of the WFTU in the international class struggle.
As we get ready to welcome the year 2025, the WFTU continues to stand in militant solidarity with workers in every corner of the world. We extend our unwavering support to peoples resisting exploitation, oppression, and imperialist interventions. Internationalism is our strongest weapon, and we call on all class-oriented unions to strengthen solidarity and unity in the struggle against capitalist barbarity.
We are confident that the international class-oriented trade union movement is ready and well-prepared to pave the way for future struggles, for the defense of workers’ interests and the satisfaction of their contemporary needs. For a world without imperialist wars and interventions, without any kind of discrimination and man-by-man exploitation.
On the occasion of the arrival of the new year 2025, the WFTU wishes to the working people all over the world, to all its affiliates and friends, a happy and militant new year, full of struggles, full of victories!